
What is Joy? Is it something that makes you laugh? Or maybe it makes you feel good. I mean, let's be honest with ourselves, there are PLENTY of things this world can give, but don't those things fade and only really give a sense of happiness for that temporary moment. Happiness can come and go so quick in this lifetime, but that is a sense of peace and calmness in any situation. Joy can often bring laughter but it can also give stability in the rockiest life moments. What really brings you that sense of joy? For me, it can be a number of things. I sometimes get it from self care, reading my bible, going on a simple date with my husband, talking to and learning from new people, or maybe just as simple as launging in my robe. Don't judge, your girl loves a robe. Is it not really a blanket with sleeves.... but the reality is Joy can truly be found. Let me take you on a journey and maybe you can find joy with me. 

You're Not a Tree

I have been a stay-at-home mom now for about 14 years. My oldest daughter just turned 15 years old, and I was a hairstylist when she was born.  Though at the time she was born I was a new stylist who just graduated from cosmetology school. When you are fresh out of school you really don't have a huge clientele list other than family and close friends, so to build that kind of career you really had to work long days and just about every night. So my husband and I decided well it just didn't make sense to pay for childcare then be gone even at night when he was home. So, we mutually decided to make the sacrifice for me to come home. We don't regret that decision EVER! Well, we added another daughter to our family, and I have been home schooling them going on 4 years now.  I no longer cut hair other than a couple close family members and my household and that is OK! Those dreams of when I was 18 of being some hot celebrity stylist doesn't excite this 36-year-old mom anymore. 

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I Don't Have To, I Get To

 Realizing that I don't have to do anything, but getting to do these everyday things.. is an important step to unlocking the true meaning of having Joy in your everyday life.

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