
I have been going to church off and on for the majority of my life.  I first attended church when I was 9 years old and of course I did all the cool youth group kid things. Church summer camp, VBS, and even teen conventions. To be honest though, I didn't really start grasping the true meaning of having a relationship with Jesus until my adult years, and by adult years I mean like the last 9ish years. There are moments when I read my Bible and things just click.  So I hope the things I share on here might encourage you in your walk with Jesus. Let me be the first to say, I'm not perfect and that's ok. God doesn't call us to perfect, He calls us to be Great!

Unique and Euphonious

Who doesn't love a TV classic like I Love Lucy? My family and I are champions at adding any theme song or classic dialogue quote to just about any conversation, even if that very conversation gets heated, in the background you can always hear my mother singing   " Oklahoma...... where the wind comes sweeping down the plain!!"  I Love Lucy had a ton of classic moments. This particular episode was one that I always remembered. "Unique if it's a boy and Euphonious if it's a girl!! It was a knee slapper, won't it? 

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Who do you think you are?

Being fearless often times gets confused with being conceited. Though that is never really the case. Lets dive into who we are and where that fits into our purpose.

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