Unique and Euphonious

Published on 11 July 2023 at 17:00

Who doesn't love a TV classic like I Love Lucy? My family and I are champions at adding any theme song or classic dialogue quote to just about any conversation, even if that very conversation gets heated, in the background you can always hear my mother singing   " Oklahoma...... where the wind comes sweeping down the plain!!"  I Love Lucy had a ton of classic moments. This particular episode was one that I always remembered. "Unique if it's a boy and Euphonious if it's a girl!! It was a knee slapper, won't it? 

Any who....Let me get to my point. Euphonious means "pleasing to the ear", and we all know the meaning of Unique is being the only one of it's kind.  So my  birth name is Meghan Ann McNulty. My aunt actually picked my name Meghan and mom added the "H" so it would be Irish like my last name. So to her my name was unique and euphonious. Like any parent usually does, they get the joy of holding their baby and speaking their name into existence for the first time, or hearing their first cry after making their grand entrance into the world. We can all remember some kind of detail of our children's birth. 

Now let's flip this thought a little. At one point obviously we were babies who made a grand entrance ourselves weren't we? We all know the Bible verse, Psalms 139: 13-14, 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. We often see this Bible verse at baby showers, and on baby announcements. So where in adulthood does that stop applying?  I can't help but think, how did God feel when I was born? After all, he knit me together, right?

 What did my ultimate maker say into existence when I was born.  I think maybe it went something like this...

"Meghan, my daughter. I won't give you any singing talent sprinkles, because you wouldn't be responsible with it , so here are some extra laughter ones. You are just a baby now, but my how you bring your mother such joy. I have such great plans for you, in fact bigger than you can ever imagine. I won't promise your life will be easy, but my child, it will be great. One day you will be blessed with a husband who will lead you, and 2 girls who will bring the same joy. There will be times where you won't feel my presence, but know I am always there with you. Meghan, you are Unique as I designed you that way. Euphonious to my ears when I heard your first cry, your worship, your laughter, and even more your name added to my disciples.  

My friend, we are all unique and euphonious to our Great Maker. We are just as special as we were the day we were born. Life stresses, physical scars, or even aging will NEVER change that!! 

So, tell me bestie, what is something unique about you?

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