What are you doing, and WHY?

Published on 31 May 2023 at 15:33

Why can't that be me? The most common question I believe the world asks themselves while mindlessly scrolling on their phones. Follow my journey from half marthoner to marathoner and what I learn about myself during the process.

Hold up, wait a minute. Let me rewind to the full great idea I had one day. So there is a great local race company here in Hampton Roads named J&A Racing. They have everything from 5k's to the full monty....Marathon (26.2 Miles). I have done several races at this point, majority being 10 milers or shorter. I did do 1 single half marathon in the fall before the blip. Just kidding, Covid. Your welcome for the Marvel reference. Anywho..... So one day I was working out and my light bulb turned on.... let's do a triple!! So I signed up for them. October 2022-10k, November 2022 - 10K, and the finale December 2022- 5 miler.  Then I said to my husband, " Well let's go for another triple, but bigger!" So I registered for the Virginia Coastal Marathon Series, here is the line up, March 2023- Half Marathon 13.1, October 2023- Half Marathon 13.1, November 2023- Half Marathon 13.1. So needless to say my husband looked at me  like I had 2 heads at the dinner table that night. All in all, he said if this is what you want, then I will cheer you on at every race. Well that is when I busted out a higher than usual decibal of a laugh. "Ummm well, I mean I will be already half trained for a full marathon, so i'm thinking...." The look of fear on his face was priceless. Though he would never ever tell me no, he does have a total fear of me getting injured or something happeneing to me. So again "I'll be the best sherpa I can be!" (I'll explain that phrase another day) is what he said. March 2024 is the plan for the BIG 26.2!   I have named this journey my 6to26!  6 races leading up to THE BIG ONE... 7 Races in all, 9 medals will be earned. 


So let's answer the real question, WHY?  

Well why not? Did you know less than 1% of the worlds population will complete a Full Marathon. I want to be apart of the 1%!  I want to know that I am strong enough to complete something that 99% of the world says no thank you to. I want my kids to know that if their mother can set her mind to do something that isn't common, and overcome the disppointments, pain, and setbacks that are inevitably going to happen during this journey,. Then maybe my girls will also live without fear and accomplish great things because they know what discipline can get them. Lastly, I want to know that I lived without ever having to wonder, what if I just tried a little harder. 


I have completed 4 out 6 of those races. I will be starting my next half marathon training block in the next couple of weeks. I can do this, and you my friend... well I promise you...you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. 

Tell me below, what is a goal of yours? How are you working to accomplish this?

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Pam Thornburg
a year ago

I have no desire to run, LOL but I used to be fit and in shape, that is. It the case anymore. As I approach 60 with almost 3 grandkids I want to be fit and healthy again. The desire is there, I’m lacking motivation. 😕

Erin Cullers
a year ago

We will put this one on pause! I promised myself as well as my PCP that I would get back on track ie healthy eating and restart exercising in Jan. Here we are almost July and I’m still on pause. It is a head game with me and I am fully aware these are not the choices I should be making but can and do justify each time I put it on pause. You go girl! I am going to hit the play button not going to say when but I have definitely given myself enough grace not to hit play.

a year ago

One more thing- at the Pilates studio, they had a message board that stated "Don't think of exercise as a chore, think of it as a privilege that you can still do it." That was very motivating for me!

Regina Jenkins
a year ago

Hay friend! The Lord showed me somethings that I thought was out of this world but will share that later. However, I have been wanting to go back to get my BAS degree for over 20 years. Right before Covid hit the Lord said its time. I said to myself how am I going to get that done with my schedule. So when everything started shutting down I said this must be my time ⏲️. I applied and got into Liberty University and have only 4 classes left to graduate when life took place. So now I am determined to finish no matter how long it takes.